Extra Services
FREE Sample Edit
A free sample edit lets you to get 1,500 words edited using any service from the "Services" page. This will allow us to see if we are a good fit for each other and if you like my work. Contact me today if you would like a free sample edit!
Outline Critique
An outline critique is simply a critique of the outline of your manuscript. No matter how detailed your outline may be, I will look over it and provide you with detailed feedback in-text as well as an editorial letter. Contact me today if this service sounds like just what you need!
Focused Critique
This service is a deep-dive into a specific area of your choosing such as character, point of view, pacing, plot, etc. I will answer any questions you have while also giving you an editorial letter regarding strengths, weaknesses, and questions to consider. You may also request in-line comments on a single chapter or section of your manuscript. Contact me today if this service looks right for you!
Poetry Collection Edit
With this service, I will edit an entire poetry collection. This could be a microchap book, a chapbook, or a full collection. Contact me today if this is what you need!
Ready to get started? Let's do this! Contact me today!